You can visit the Hotel page anytime to check hotel information. Through our official housing partner, onPeak, we provide reduced hotel rates and travel discounts for your trip to WasteExpo. Note that onPeak is the only official hotel provider associated with our event. While other hotel resellers may contact you offering accommodations for your trip, they are NOT endorsed by or affiliated with the show and entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.
onPeak – 8:00am – 6:00pm (CST)
- (800) 727-2467 – U.S. Toll-Free
- (312) 527-7300 – International
Look out for scammers
Watch out! You may get emails claiming to be the WasteExpo hotel provider. But beware – onPeak is the only hotel provider endorsed by WasteExpo. If you are contacted by other third-party companies offering hotel assistance, please beaware they are not endorsed by our event. Entering into financial agreements with these companies can have costly consequences and are not protected by event management. Please only use onPeak and book through our site.