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WasteExpo’s conference program is your professional development opportunity of the year! The education and training that you’ll receive will help you sharpen your skills, learn best practices, and find innovative waste solutions. see first-hand in Las Vegas why over 75% of attendees report being satisfied with our conference program!
The 2025 program is still in development, but you can learn more about our eductional offerings with our 2024 program below:
2024 Conference Tracks Include:
Room: W224-225
Registration Fee: $135
Day: Thursday, May 9
Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Food Waste and Organics Diversion for All Waste Generators: Commercial, Residential, Multi-Family, Institutional, Event Venues
Workshop Leader: Gary A. Bilbro, Director of Sales, Ecosafe Zero Waste. Surrey, BC
This workshop will be focused on helping the attendee understand the processes required to implement and achieve a successful organics diversion program, no matter the type of location generating the food waste. This workshop will include discussion of:
This workshop will help any municipality, business, educational institution, or commercial entity that generates food scraps and currently sends it to landfill or incineration. The process will be shown to be easy, concise and compliant with all municipal or state regulations.
Room: W222-223
Registration Fee: $135
Day: Thursday, May 9
Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Introduction to Zero Waste Training
Workshop Leaders: Richard Anthony, Richard Anthony Associates, VP, ZWUSA and Chair, Zero Waste International Alliance, Christienne de Tournay, Zero Waste Consultant, and Laura Anthony, President, Zero Waste San Diego
Attendees will learn:
This class is lively, interactive, and taught by Zero Waste USA staff and board members, including Richard Anthony, a nationally renowned expert. The content is designed to be easy to retain, and the extensive resources are easy to access. It is valuable to municipal staff, haulers, decision-makers, advocates, and all interested in Zero Waste. Zero Waste USA awards certificates of completion to students who pass the open book exam and submit the evaluation.
Room: W313
Registration Fee: $175 NWRA members; $225 non members
Day: Wednesday, May 8
Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
NWRA Safety Symposium: Igniting Awareness About Fire Prevention & Safety Tips
Workshop Leader: Kirk M. Sander, Chief of Staff & Vice President, Safety and Standards, National Waste & Recycling Association
Every day, waste and recycling collection trucks, transfer stations, materials recovery facilities and the like face the potential threat of a fire. Safety professionals within the industry teach fire prevention and safety tips, but it’s an ongoing effort to keep fires at bay. To ensure you and your team are equipped with the right knowledge and tools to combat a potential fire in a facility or truck, the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) and industry safety experts are hosting a hands-on safety symposium. Come learn fire prevention best practices, effective safety tips, up-to-date information on the dangers of having a fire, how to mitigate a loss and what the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s changes to the fire brigade standard (29 CFR 1910.156) mean for the waste and recycling industry.
Thursday, May 9
Las Vegas Livestock is the only permitted food scrap feeding facility in the state of Nevada and operated by 6th generation family members. You will see how food waste is processed and fed to livestock. LVL uses livestock to address two of society's issues: reducing waste and providing a sustainable, high quality protein.